How to Overcome Perfectionism So You Can Start Your Business


How to Overcome Perfectionism So You Can Start Your Business

Perfectionism getting in your way? Read this.

Are you stopping yourself from moving forward with your biz because of perfectionism?

Do you overthink every little thing before you do it?

  • Can't make the website public yet because there might be a spelling mistake on there?

  • Can't publish anywhere because you haven't got the perfect message cultivated yet?

  • Can't work with clients because you don't have a pretty photoshoot?

  • Can't help anyone with their life because yours isn't 100% figured out yet?

 I could go on but I think you get the picture.

Perfectionism is just another form of procrastination. It's your ego chiming in and saying that you can't do this thing because you're "not enough".

These not enough thoughts limit us and keep us stuck. If your perfectionism is blocking you today try these quick shifts.

1) Start practising the "done is better than perfect" mindset.

Now this doesn't apply if you're a brain surgeon or rocket scientist but if you're looking to start your service-based business chances are that your version of "done" is a higher standard than most people's. Concentrate on getting it to as high a standard for it to qualify as done and then get it out there. Tweaking and testing is all par for the course in entrepreneurship. You will continue to improve.

2)  Focus on progress not perfection

Knowing that we are constantly evolving, ever-improving beings you will realise that perfection doesn't exist so it makes no sense to aim for it. However, being a better version of you each day is something that we can all work towards.

3) Stay in your own lane

Nothing makes us feel more inferior in our own efforts than looking at those who are steps ahead and/or on a totally different journey and comparing ourselves to them.

Yes, that super guru that you follow may have all the bells and whistles but that doesn't mean you have to compare yourself to them. Stay in your lane and focus on those YOU want to help.

From a personal perspective, I'm totally turned off when something looks too perfect. I like my super gurus and everything else doused with a touch of reality and to me when something looks too perfect it doesn't resonate with me.

So don't let perfectionism stop you from going out there and sharing your message with the world and being of service.


About Me

Hey, I'm Tasmin! I'm a Mindset & Business Confidence Coach for new and aspiring female entrepreneurs. I help overcome their fears and ramp up their confidence so that they can escape the corporate drudgery and create a life and business on their terms.

Want to chat about how I can help you? Apply for a Free Session with me here. I'm excited to talk to you :-)

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