3 Ways to Shift From Scarcity Mindset Into Abundance Mindset


3 ways to shift from scarcity mindset into abundance mindset

Sick of operating from a "not enough" mindset? Not enough time, money, resources?

What if I told you there is more than enough of ALL those.

But when you are coming at your life from the lack and scarcity perspective that is what you attract for yourself.

Instead, shift into the ABUNDANCE  mindset. Here are 3 ways to switch your thinking today.

1) Switch your negative default setting to a positive one.

Do you always find that you're immediately thinking of the worst-case scenario with everything? Why things always go wrong, why the odds are not in your favour?

It's time to flip the switch. You get to CREATE your reality.

None of what you fear has likely happened at the moment so instead of dreading the worst possible outcome go and create the best possible one instead.

2) Halt the negative thoughts of lack in their tracks.

Become the master of the REFRAME.

Remember a belief is just a thought you keep thinking and a thought can be changed. Change the thought and create a new belief in it's place.

Use a few simple words to acknowledge the negative thought and then proactively reframe it.

"I know that's an old belief I had. My new belief is that I am truly abundant and there is always more than enough. Abundance is my birthright."

3) Lean into trust.

Remember all those times when you thought things were bound to go wrong?  Where you went into the default negative setting expecting the worst but then things turned out REALLY well?

Bask in THOSE feelings instead. Remember all the times things did go well. How good you felt. The positivity, the self-belief. You did it once you can do it again. And more.

This is how you switch from scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset and how you start attracting abundance to you.


About Me

Hey, I'm Tasmin! I'm a Mindset & Business Confidence Coach for new and aspiring female entrepreneurs. I help overcome their fears and ramp up their confidence so that they can escape the corporate drudgery and create a life and business on their terms.

Want to chat about how I can help you? Apply for a Free Session with me here. I'm excited to talk to you :-)

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